Author: Brighton Abaho

The Uganda Registration Services Bureau (URSB) board has appointed Mercy Kyomugasho Kainobwisho as their new Registrar General. Kainobwisho takes over from Bemanya Twebaze who was appointed the new Director General of the African Intellectual Property Organisation last month. Bemanya was at the helm of Uganda Registrtaion Services Bureau since 2012. Bemanya is remembered for controversy over his role as the administrator of the Uganda Telecom. Bemanya exchanged public spats with the State Minister for Investment Evelyn Anite over the running of troubled Uganda Telecom. The latter wanted Bemanya relieved of his duties, accusing him of refusing an audit, in a…

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After close to a year without a substantive head of the institution, the Inspectorate of Governement is set to get a new boss. News reaching our desk indicate that President Museveni has named High Court judge Lydia Mugambe Ssali as the new Inspector General of Government (IGG). Justice Lydia Mugambe will replace Lady Justice Irene Mulyagonja, who was appointed to Court of Appeal bench last year. Last month Civil Society Organisations led by Action Aid International Uganda (AAIU) protested against the absence of a substantive IGG and called the government and the president to appoint a new and substantive IGG. They said that the…

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Former radio presenter and interim Mbarara City Mayor Robert Mugabe Kakyebezi is so far taking an early lead from sampled polling stations in the newly created city. At Madarasat Primary School polling station, Kakyebezi garthered 892 votes, followed by his rival Herbert Kamugisha with 140 votes. Mbarara High Street polling station Kakyebezi recorded a whooping 10,380 votes followed by Kamugisha with only 65 votes. At Kiswahili Saints polling station the incumbent Mayor got 1698 votes and Kamugisha managed to get 356 votes. Voting at some polling stations started late in Mbarara City and this was attributed to the delay of…

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Following a hot contestation for who would carry the National Resistance Movement (NRM) flag for the position of Woman Member of Parliament, the NRM Electoral Commission has come out with a pronouncement. Jennifer Muheesi has been declared the winner of last week’s contested NRM primary for Kazo woman MP. She was running against Molly Kamukama, a State Minister for Economic Monitoring in the office of the President and former Principal Private Secretary (PPS) to Mr. Museveni. Before the announcement of results, last week a section of voters attacked the tally centre, tore declaration forms and an unknown person vanished with…

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As violence continues to be the biggest outcome from the NRM Primary elections, the party is taking decisions that seek to restore sanity in the different parts of the country. Following a meeting held with the NRM leaders together with NRM electoral officials, the chairperson of the NRM Electoral Commission Dr. Tanga Odoi has suspended the Kiruhura election results. “We have had an election in Kiruhura which am not going to declare, I am going to suspend it because the fouls were many”. Dr. Odoi told Our Reporters. He added that the party is going to investigate and the report…

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As many traders continue to beg their landlords and land ladies to forgive them their rent arrears for the months they spent in lockdown, Uganda’s youthful tycoon Hamis Kiggundu has written off all his tenants’ outstanding rental arrears to zero. In a communique addressed to his tenants of Ham Enterprises Limited, Mr Kiggundu says the reason for writing off rent arrears is to give chance to his tenants to regain stability in their businesses after suffering losses when businesses were locked. It should be remembered that management had earlier written off rent arrears for the months of April and March.…

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According to reports coming in from Igara West, Bushenyi District, Kasambya County legislator Gaffa Mbwatekamwa has defeated Prof. Tarsis Kabwegyere, Horace Muhabuzi, Dr. Karuhanga, and Adam Kyakuwa among others in the race for Igara West Member of Parliament, NRM Primary. The legislator who shifted his political base from Kasambya County in Mubende to Igara County West in Bushenyi district decried the poor services that people in his home district have been receiving despite having two ministers in the district.  Mbwatekamwa who has been twice arrested during campaigns has donated an ambulance to each sub-county in Igara West. Speaking to one…

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Violence continues to rock NRM primary elections, as our reporter has indicated that a sub – county registrar has been killed and another critically injured in Mukuju subcounty. This was after a scuffle among voters, where there was a disagreement on whether to vote for Woman Member of Parliament or not. The Ugandan Wire understands that the police is still carrying out investigations. The incident happened at Okworoto, a polling station in Akworoto parish Mukuju sub county. Earlier on, the Chairperson of the NRM Electoral Commission Dr. Tanga Odoi had suspended elections in some places after cases of violence amongst…

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As compilation of results for NRM flag bearer for the position of Woman MP Bushenyi district continues, results received by The Ugandan Wire indicate that Annet Katusiime Mugisha the wife of National Water and Sewerage Coorporation (NWSC) MD Silver Mugisha is leading in all village polling stations in the district. At Bushenyi Town School polling station which is in Central Cell, Karooro got 98 whereas Mugisha got 425. Rwentuha Town Council at Katooma, Mugisha got 103 while Karooro got 22 votes, Nyeibingo in Ruhumuro, Mugisha has 139, Karooro 37, while in Masya Mugisha has 203, and Karooro 101. Also Kantunda…

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As many continued to question Presidential aspirant Robert Kyagulanyi Sentamu alias Bobi Wine’s academic credentials and date of birth, the Kyadondo East legislator took to the media to clear the air on different queries posed on his date of birth and academic qualifications. It should be remembered that maverick city lawyer Hassan Male Mabirizi moved to block the possible nomination of the pop-star-turned politician saying he is a dishonest person based on the inconsistency of information appearing on the different documents he held. Mabirizi specifically questioned why several documents including UNEB pass slips and transcripts from Makerere University indicated that…

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