Author: Osbert Mwesigye

In a similar chain of events like the ones in the pre-election violence in Uganda early this year, at least four people have been killed in violent clashes in Senegal over the past few days between police and supporters of detained opposition leader Ousmane Sonko, the interior minister said on Friday. “The government regrets the loss of four lives” in events “that are rooted in banditry and insurrection,” Interior Minister Antoine Felix Abdoulaye Diome said on television. He accused Sonko of “issuing calls to violence.” The leader of the Pastef Party, Sonko appeared in court on Friday to defend himself against rape charges that he claims are politically motivated. The country ran amok as his appearance…

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Kenyan authorities have stopped all maize imports into the country with immediate effect, saying tests on the grain from two neighboring nations (Uganda and Tanzania) revealed high levels of mycotoxins. The results of tests conducted on maize imported from Uganda and Tanzania showed toxin levels that were “consistently beyond safety limits,” according to a statement by the Agriculture and Food Authority. “Mycotoxins, particularly aflatoxins and fumonisins, are known to be carcinogenic.” “We wish to bring to your attention that Agriculture and Food Authority has stopped any further imports of the maize into Kenya with immediate effect,” said a letter from the Ministry of…

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In a letter addressed to Johnathan McKinstry, the Uganda Cranes coach, by the Federation of Uganda Football Association (FUFA) on Tuesday 2nd March 2021, the coach was asked to take a short one month sabbatical from his duties as head coach of the National team. “The FUFA Executive Committee has asked the head coach of the national senior side―the Uganda Cranes―Johnathan McKinstry to step aside from managing and coaching the team for the period from 2nd-31st March 2021,” the statement read in part. During this time, Uganda will have two crucial games qualifying games. Uganda Cranes are to face Burkina…

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Medical anthropologist, feminist and political activist, Dr. Stella Nyanzi, has come out in blunt disagreement with the efforts by Facebook to restrict her account on the platform for violation of its terms and conditions. Nyanzi has in the past been on a poetic and literal war against the ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM) and more recently against Robert Kyagulanyi’s National Unity Platform (NUP) criticizing the young political player for suppressing those who disagree with the party. “Between Dictator Museveni and Dictator Kyagulanyi, I know that the old man imprisoned me, but he never got my posts criticizing him removed from…

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A Rwandan opposition politician, Seif Bamporiki, has been shot dead in Cape Town, South Africa in what appears to be a planned event. Seif Bamporiki was the coordinator for The Rwanda National Congress (RNC), an opposition political party in Rwanda. The Rwanda National Congress (RNC) is Rwandan opposition group in exile, established in the United States on 12 December 2010. Prominent founders included Dr. Theogene Rudasingwa, Gen. Kayumba Nyamwasa, Gerald Gahima, and Patrick Karegeya. Karegeya was murdered on 31 December 2013. Rudasingwa and Gahima have since left the party. It is alleged that the businessman, who sold beds, was called…

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President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has expressed his gratitude to China for its solidarity towards Uganda’s political decisions and journey. The President was speaking at a meeting with a representative from the Chinese president, Xi Jinping. Yang Jiechi, who is a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, met with Museveni on Sunday 21st February 2021 at State house. The President emphasized the potent role played that the China communist party has played since its ascent to power in China in 1949, which now makes its relationship with Africa over 70 years long.…

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The Uganda Police Force has revealed that Robert Kyagulanyi’s lawyers visited him today at his home in Magere in a statement maintaing that the National Unity Platform (NUP) Presidential Candidate will stay under house arrest. “Today, at around 3:30 PM, a total of 8 lawyers led by Hon. Asuman Basalirwa who form part of the Hon. Kyagulanyi’s legal team visited him at his home in Magere,” Police revealed through its social media. The Police revealed that the lawyers also carried with them, food stuffs for the National Unity Platform (NUP) president, who has been claiming via his social media of running out of food. “They…

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Military operatives raided Bobiwine’s home last night, the presidential candidate revealed this morning.“The army has today morning raided my home, arrested all my security guards and anyone they could see around my premises. No reason for the arrest was given. Such acts of impunity are all kicks of a dying horse,” Bobiwine revealed through social media. The National Unity Platform president was forced to cut short his interview with Royal Media’s Hot 96 radio as the military raided his home in Magele. Bobiwine told Hot 96 FM that the military was attempting to break into his compound and his security…

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Gulu Resident District Commissioner (RDC) Maj. Santos Okot Lapolo has died. Lopolosuccumbed to the deadly coronavirus. His death takes Uganda to the 300mark of Covid-19 deaths among 37,296 infections, with 12,619 recoveries. According to some family members, Lapolo was admitted to the Mulago National Referral Hospital with breathing complications in December 2020, where he breathed his last a few minutes to 1PM today, 9 th January 2021.Lapolo has also been the chairperson of the Gulu district COVID-19 taskforce since March 2020 when the-outbreak of the global virus was confirmed in the country. Many Gulu municipality residents have poured their condolences…

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Bobi Wine’s musical partner, Ali Bukeni alias Nubian Li, and his personal bodyguard, Eddy Ssebufu alias Eddie Mutwe appeared before court martial today, alongside 46 other National Unity Platform (NUP) supporters, where they were charged with unlawful possession of ammunition. The suspects were charged in absence of their lawyers, who, as well as the family members and friends, were denied access to the court. “…. [the 48 names] were found in unlawful possession of 4 rounds of live ammunition of AK47, the said ammunition being ordinarily a monopoly of the Defense forces,” the Charge sheet read in part. Bobi Wine took to social media to express his dissatisfaction with the court’s decisions. “I find…

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