Maj Gen Francis Takirwa, Deputy Commander Land Force, officially opened 52 housing units at the 507 Brigade headquarters in the 5 Infantry Division, Pader district.

The commissioned units comprise the Brigade Commander’s residence, accommodation for other ranks, and a Health Centre III.

Maj Gen Takirwa expressed his gratitude to the UPDF leadership for their support during the construction works in the 5 Infantry Division and commended the engineering regiment for their high-quality workmanship.

Brig Gen Keith Katungi, Commander of the 5 Infantry Division, assured the Deputy Commander Land Force that the newly commissioned facilities would be properly maintained and utilised. 

He also revealed that some of the construction works were funded through savings from the main project, including the Division’s guest house.

The commissioned housing units are part of the Uganda Peoples’ Defence Forces’ efforts to enhance the welfare of its personnel, particularly in providing accommodation for its ranks.

The event was attended by Brigade Commanders and Division staff officers.

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