Author: Sabrina Atwiine

The death of the Archbishop Dr. Cyprian Kizito Lwanga shocked all Ugandans. He led a procession for the way the cross on Good Friday leaving those who saw him both physically and on television unprepared for his death. If you ask me, the Catholic Church has lost his great contribution to the Faith because his preaching has been a great pillar. His advice not only influenced the youth but also older people. There is now a saying that Archbishop Lwanga lived with Jesus, walked along the way of the cross on Good Friday and died with Him. Not long ago,…

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The National Unity Platform (NUP) flag bearer and presidential aspirant Robert Kyagulangi Sentamu, now also known as “Musinguzi Robert”, a name bequeathed to him by the natives of Mbarara as a sign of welcome as one of them, arrived at Kakyeka grounds alongside his wife Barbie Kyagulanyi followed by a bunch of his supporters in red clothing and cloud of bluish choking smoke (tear gas) that followed them. NUP was on Saturday launching its party manifesto in Mbarara City western Uganda, an event that had seen not one, but two changes in its date of occurrence and of the venue…

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Presidential hopeful and Member of Parliament (MP) Hon. Kyagulanyi Robert Sentamu, alias Bobi Wine and his party, the National Unity Platform (NUP) is set to launch his 2021 manifesto at Kakyeka Stadium in Mbarara. NUP postponed the launch of their manifesto from Friday to Saturday 7th November, 2020. This followed the untimely death of senior Muslim Leader and scholar Sheikh Anas Kaliisa this Wednesday afternoon after he collapsed at his home. Family sources have indicated that the cause of his death is still unknown. “We have postponed our manifesto launch to Saturday 7th November, 2020 to enable our senior leaders,…

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A loop in the outcome polls of a one Sheikh Kassim Kamugisha who is one of the most preferred candidates in the Kabale District NRM Primaries together with his most competitive opponent Major General Timothy Sabiiti Mutebile has just made every Kamugisha Diehard turn red including the candidate himself. The whole drama begun when Kabale District Registrar, a one Mr Keitaba was announcing the outcome of the poll at every village having most of them in Kamugisha’s favour but on reaching Southern Division, Mwanjari Ward, the out come of the polls for Constituency MP read; Major General Timothy Mutebile –…

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Festo Karwemera Mwene Karagare Kabure-Nkeecwere, one of the greatest sons of the Kigezi Sub Region passed on (died) early yesterday morning aged 95. The details of his death are still unknown but his family intends to speak to the press in the day that come on matters regarding his death. A great thinker and writer, Omugurusi Karwemera toiled away at his desk, not for profit, but to save a language and culture, passed down to us by generations of ancestors, now threatened with erosion and extinction in a new world of Euro-American domination. A visit to Kabale, Kigyezi is never…

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Wednesday August 19th, 2020, a heavy downpour that started at around 1am until 6am caused floods in Bundibugyo that led to loss of property and death of a three year old child. Since December 2019, Bundibugyo District has been experiencing consecutive floods and environmental experts predicted then, that the problem would bounce back during the March to May rains and during the August to November rains. Just like predicted the floods have been hitting the district. Last year in May and early December, very many people died due to the back to back floods and it’s happening again this year. On…

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The People Power Movement under Robert Kyagulanyi which started as a resistance pressure group in Uganda recently merged with the National Reconciliation Development Party to form a political party named National Unity Platform (NUP) ready to contest in 2021 Presidential and General Elections. However, there are heated discussions about the political party among the general public and UPC supporters in particular regarding NUP’s party colour, Red that has been UPC’s colour for a long time. Earlier last year, UPC warned People Power on the use of colour red, threatening to sue Bobi Wine and his franchise if they continue using…

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The Legal Aid Service Providers Network (LASPNET) and other stakeholders have intensified calls to the Parliament of Uganda to disband the Local Defence Units (LDUs). LASPNET, which covers 80 districts in Uganda, based its call on recent incidents especially involving brutality of the security force especially during the implementation of the presidential directives aimed at curbing COVID-19. “The creation of LDU was aimed at enhancing the existing foundation, security arrangement in the country to ensure that people and their property are secured at grass root levels and helping in fighting urban crimes. However, areas deployed with LDUs have continuously raised…

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On the Sunday Night (June 27th 2020) Emmanuel Tegu a third year Veterinary Medicine student at Makerere University was brutally beaten by a mob, like the Police states, at Lumumba Hall inside Makerere  University that had allegedly mistaken him for a thief. In the middle of that grief, rumours started to circulate claiming that the Local Defence Unit (LDU) personnel had beaten the late Tegu to death but the Police quickly dismissed the rumours stating authoritatively that, no single LDU personnel is deployed at Makerere University. This of course means that the university is manned by the good ordinary Police…

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