Yesterday we published a story of one Robert Mijumbi, a Kyambogo University Biology graduate and the CEO of Biobert Research Institute Group Ltd who claims to have designed an enzyme which he previously administered to a patient he claims to have been cured of HIV and says the same technique has been used to develop coronavirus vaccine.

He had written a letter to the Ministry of Health requesting for permission to try out his COVID-19 vaccine.

However, Pharmaceutical Society of Uganda has today rubbished his fallacies advising him to use trials and experiments not YouTube videos.

In a long response letter we obtained from Dr. Opio Samuel, the Secretary of the Society, he clearly states that what has been fronted is a hypothesis or scientific thought for the treatment of COVID-19 as the Bio-Medic’s letter to MOH suggests.

Dr. Opio says that use of proteins as a means of treatment fall broadly under a term called biologics and most drug treatments are chemical in nature.

“Production of any new drug requires it to undergo pre-clinical studies which is known as Vitro (outside the human body) studies such as in an animal model like guinea pig or mice that mimics a human model and clinical trials which has to be done in vivo (inside human body) to determine its efficacy and safety”, Dr. Opio Samuel clearly articulated in his response.

The self proclaimed innovator was advised to cite the lab where he has been conducting his research from because the level of sophistication needed to produce an enzyme is quite high unless he has developed a much simpler method to do so.

“Mr Kijumbi, let the clinocal trials and experiments on your drug talk for you not the YouTube videos”, the secretary of Uganda Pharmaceutical Society advised the innovator.

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