As compilation of results for NRM flag bearer for the position of Woman MP Bushenyi district continues, results received by The Ugandan Wire indicate that Annet Katusiime Mugisha the wife of National Water and Sewerage Coorporation (NWSC) MD Silver Mugisha is leading in all village polling stations in the district.
At Bushenyi Town School polling station which is in Central Cell, Karooro got 98 whereas Mugisha got 425. Rwentuha Town Council at Katooma, Mugisha got 103 while Karooro got 22 votes, Nyeibingo in Ruhumuro, Mugisha has 139, Karooro 37, while in Masya Mugisha has 203, and Karooro 101.
Also Kantunda in Kiyaga Parish Bumbaire Sub – County the home parish of Ms Mugisha, she got 150, and Karooro had 10. Kabare LCI Mugisha has 149 while Karooro got 92, Nyabikyerere in Central Division Mugisha 305, Karooro 32, Kikuba Central Mugisha 95, Karooro 41, Migina Mugisha 113 Karooro 32 Kyirundo Bumbaire Mugisha 150 Karooro 10, Kanyamaboona Ishaka Division Mugisha 461 Karooro 208, Rukindo Mugisha 173, Karooro 152.

So far results received by The Ugandan Wire indicate that Minister Karooro has only defeated Annet Mugisha on only one polling station where the minister voted from. This polling station is in Katungu Ward Bushenyi -Ishaka Munipality.
At Annet Mugisha’s polling station in Kabushaho Bumbaire Subcounty, Karoro Okurut did not get a single vote. Despite investing in Twitter and social media influencers, Hon. Karoro Okurut has no choice but to pack her bags and go into retirement.
Karoro has been the Bushenyi Woman Member of Parliament for more than 18 years. Locals attribute Karoro’s loss to the many unfulfilled promises which necessitates a new person to help them get better services.