Residents of Kiranga village, Bweramule Sub-County in Ntoroko District are in shock after an 18-year-old former primary seven girl committed suicide following a disagreement with her father over her recently acquired mobile smartphone.

It is alleged that Vin Karungi, a former P7 candidate at Rwamabale Primary School and her father, Mr Nestoli Kasagaki had a bitter argument over a smartphone she recently acquired and was using at home.

Karungi is said to have returned home with the phone on Tuesday and when asked how she acquired it, she reportedly declined to disclose.

The following day, her father confiscated the phone and hid it in the house before he left to take care of his cattle.

But moments after her father’s departure, Karungi reportedly rummaged in the house for the phone and started using it. When her father returned from the farm and found her using it, he reportedly got angry and beat her up.

Hours later, Karungi is said to have taken poison in attempt to end her life. She was pronounced dead at Virika Hospital in Fort Portal City where she had been rushed for treatment.

Her uncle, Mr Christopher Bassara, told this reporter that they reported the matter to the police as they trace for the person who gave Karungi the phone.

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