When they said you’re poor alone, you thought it was just stray talk? Read that again.
Well, exclusive information reaching our gossip tables is that NTV Da Beat Presenter Lynda Ddane is the first Ugandan to own the recently unveiled iPhone 13 and she went for the Pro Max; the best version of 13 on the market.
Ddane, whom we have learnt is a lover of cool gadgets purchased her iPhone from Sage Buyers whose dealership is at Kooki Towers in the heart of the city.
“You’re now rocking with the first Ugandan to own an iPhone 13 Pro Max. Thank you for supporting us Lynda Ddane.” Sage Buyers said in a social media post that The Ugandan Wire has seen.

At the moment, a brand new iPhone 13 Pro Max starts from a whooping Shs 3,878,000 to Shs 7,932,000 depending on sizes. And that’s if you’re buying it on Amazon in the United States. Factor in shipping costs and customs and you’ll get an exact figure of what Lynda Ddane parted with to get the iPhone.
Mukole sente mbwa mwe!