Two more people that tested positive for coronavirus in Uganda today, pushing the country’s total number of confirmed cases to 85 and consequently raising tension among citizens about what could be the next action the President and COVID-19 task force would take.
Of the 2 people that test positive today was a Ugandan police man from Masindi who was confirmed through the ongoing health ministry community survey.
However much most Ugandans are expecting the lock down to be lifted, the Health Minister, Dr. Ruth Aceng said that the results from the community survey would dictate the direction with which the government will have to take next. And the team on ground says it needs more time to this work.
The cabinet however according to close sources advised the president that the lock down should be lifted slightly to allow private businesses resume with strict restriction like putting on masks and washing hands.
However, bars, concerts and other public gathers to be halted for quite longer.