British premier Boris Johnson has had a huge victory in the United Kingdom (UK) general election as majority Britons believed in his campaign promise of “getting Brexit done” and “taking the country out of the European Union” by 31 January, 2020.

The Conservative Party, which Mr Johnson leads has cruised to victory with on site polls predicting that they would win 368 seats out of the 650 seats in the House of Commons. The biggest majority in recent history.

“I think this will turn out to be a historic election that gives us now, in this new government, the chance to respect the democratic will of the British people.” Boris Johnson said earlier today.

According to journalists and media houses in the UK, in the country – where the actual will of the people is weighed, parliamentary seats continued to shift at an alarming fast rate as voters replaced Labour Red with Conservative Party blue representatives.

“The prime minister will now move swiftly to ratify the Brexit deal he sealed with Brussels, allowing Britain to exit the bloc, more than 40 years after it originally joined, at the end of next month – nearly a year later than originally planned and three-and-a-half years after Britain voted to leave.” John Henley, a UK based journalist wrote.

British veteran politician and renown socialist Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of the Labour Party, will be nursing wounds after “leading” his party to their worst defeat in 84 years.

Polls anticipate just 191 seats out of the 650 for the Labour Party. Corbyn’s campaign message was hinged on the message of a fresh Brexit Poll to give the people a second chance to decide. The people thought otherwise.

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