Progress of Implementation of Activities Under the Roadmap for 2021/2021 General Elections

Dear esteemed partners, members of the press, it is our privilege and pleasure to welcome you to this press briefing, at the Commission Headquarters. Today, the Commission will update you on the progress of the implementation of the Roadmap for General Elections, 2020/2021 as follows:

Status of Elections of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) Committees
The Electoral Commission concluded the conduct of elections of SIGs (Older
Persons, Persons with Disabilities and Youth) Committees from the Village to the District/City level.

The Commission appreciates all stakeholders in the electoral process for their participation which enabled successful organisation and conduct of the SIGs Committees Elections.

Conclusion of Nominations of Candidates for Parliamentary and Local
Government Councils Elections and Commencement of Campaign

The Electoral Commission conducted the nomination of candidates for Local Government Councils and Parliamentary Elections, from 21st September to 5th October and on 15th and 16th October 2021, respectively.

The nomination exercise attracted a high number of aspirants who include
party-sponsored candidates and independents. The Commission is compiling the details of all nominated candidates and will publish the results in due course.

Following the conclusion of the above nomination exercises, the Commission has appointed the periods indicated in the table below, for the purpose of conducting candidates’ campaign meetings for Parliamentary and Local Government Councils Elections, 2021.

No.Category of ElectionCampaign Period
1.Parliamentary Elections (Directly-elected MP
& District Woman Representative to Parliament)
9th Nov.
2020 – 12th Jan. 2021
2. City/District Local Government Councils (Lord Mayor/Mayors/Chairpersons &Councilors)9th Nov.
18th Jan.
3.Municipality/City Division Chairpersons and
9th Nov.
23rd Jan.
4. Sub County/Town/Municipal Division
Chairpersons and Councilors
9th Nov.
1st Feb.

The Electoral Commission urges all nominated candidates, their agents, supporters and the general public to carefully observe the following guidelines for this campaign period:

a. Campaigns shall be conducted between 7.00 am and 6.00 pm; and in accordance with the harmonized candidates’ campaign programme;
b. Candidates and their agents shall not use or publish any language or
defamatory words, which incite public disorder, hatred, violence or which
threatens war;
c. In accordance with the measures and guidelines put in place by the
Ministry of Health to prevent the spread of COVID-19, and the Standard
Operating Procedures (SOPs) issued by the Electoral Commission to prevent and combat person-to-person, person-to-object and object-toperson spread of the COVID-19 during the conduct of election activities, processions and public/mass rallies remain banned;
d. Candidates will, however, be allowed to organise/hold campaign meetings, in a regulated manner, preferably outdoors, with limited
attendance of a maximum of seventy (70) persons, to enable the observance of the 2-meters social distancing rule for the persons attending the meeting.
The candidates and venue owners must ensure that the campaign/meeting venues are provided with hand washing facilities and sanitizers, and that the supporters attending the campaigns/meetings wear face masks at all time, while accessing and exiting the meeting venue;
e. Candidates are advised to identify suitable venues within their constituencies and notify the respective Returning Officers, who will conduct an inspection together with the Police and the District COVID19 Taskforce to ensure the venue will enable observance of the guidelines
issued by the Ministry of Health;
f. Candidates and their agents are advised to use non-contact means of
communication to interact with the electorate. These include fliers,
leaflets, brochures, posters, billboards and banners; radio and television
announcements and talk shows; short messaging services (SMS), voice
messaging, and new digital media platforms and websites;
g. Candidates who use posters are warned against putting them (campaign
posters) on road traffic signs. Similarly, candidates who use banners are
strongly warned against hanging them (campaign banners) on electricity
power lines, or in a manner that endangers vehicular traffic and
pedestrian movement.
Any campaign materials that are wrongly placed will be removed by the
relevant Council authorities and Police.
h. Candidates may also use the community-based Public Address Systems
(kizindaalo) between 7:00am-9:00am and 4:00pm-6:00pm, as per the campaign programme harmonised with the respective Returning Officers;

Appointment of Polling Dates for Parliamentary and Local Government
Councils Elections, 2021

Following the conclusion of nomination of candidates, and the harmonization of campaign programmes by the Electoral Commission together with the candidates, the Electoral Commission has, in line with Section 18(1)(a) of the Parliamentary Elections Act and Section 107 of the Local Government Act, appointed polling dates for the various elective positions as follows:

No.Elective PositionPolling Date
1.Election of Councillors for Older Persons to the Sub County/Town/Municipal Division11th January 2021
2.Elections of Councillors for Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) to the Sub County/Town/Municipal Division11th January 2021
3.Elections of Youth Representatives to the Sub County/Town/Municipal Division11th January 2021
4.Election of Councillors for Older Persons to the
Municipality/City Division
12th January 2021
5.Elections of Councillors for Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) to the Municipality/City Division12th January 2021
6.Elections of Councillors for Youth to the Municipality/City Division12th January 2021
7.Elections of Member of Parliament (Directly-elected MP and District Woman Representative to Parliament)14th January 2021
8.National Conference for Election of Older Persons
Representatives to Parliament
17th –18th January
9.National Conference for Election of Persons With Disabilities (PWDs) Representatives to Parliament17th –18th January
10.National Conference for Election of Workers Representatives to Parliament17th –18th January
11.Elections of District Local Government Councils:
(District/City Chairpersons, Lord Mayor, Mayors, and
20th January 2021
12.National Conference for Election of National Female Youths Representative to Parliament21st –22nd January
13.Elections of Municipality/City Division Chairpersons and
25th January 2021
14.Elections of Councillors for Older Persons to the District Local Government Councils27th January 2021
15.Elections of Councillors for Persons With Disabilities (PWDs) to the District Local Government Councils27th January 2021
16.Elections of Councillors for Youths to the District Local
Government Councils
27th January 2021
17.Elections of Workers Representatives to District Local
Government Councils
27th January 2021
18.Elections of UPDF Representatives to Parliament 29th January 2021
19.Regional Conferences for Election of Regional Youths
Representatives to Parliament
31st January– 1st
February 2021
20.Elections of Sub County/Town/Municipal Division
Chairpersons and Councillors
February 3rd 2021

Preparations for Nomination of Candidates for Presidential Elections
As earlier informed, the Electoral Commission appointed Monday 2nd and
Tuesday 3rd November 2020 as the dates for nomination of candidates for
Presidential Elections, 2021. The nomination exercise will be conducted at Kyambogo University Sports Grounds, starting at 9:00am and ending at 5pm on each of the appointed dates.

The Commission will limit access to the nomination venue, in compliance with Government/Ministry of Health Guidelines and EC Standard Operating
Procedures (SOPs) for preventing the spread of COVID-19.

The aspiring candidate, shall be allowed into the nomination venue
accompanied by not more than ten (10) persons (including the candidate).
The particulars of persons accompanying the aspirant shall be submitted to
the Commission in advance. Aspiring candidates have been advised to use only three (3) vehicles for purposes of his/her nominations; and each vehicle should not carry more than four (4) persons, driver inclusive.

Each of the vehicles shall bear a police sticker.
For the avoidance of doubt, the incumbent President who is also a candidate shall use such facilities as are ordinarily attached to his office. This is in line with Section 27(2) of the Presidential Elections Act.

Meanwhile, as you are already aware, the Commission made available
nomination forms and supporter forms to aspiring candidates two months ago. At least eighty-seven (87) aspirants have collected forms expressing interest to contest.

Section 10(b) of the Presidential Elections Act provides that a Presidential
candidate’s nomination shall be supported by not less than one hundred (100) persons who are registered voters, from not less than ninety-eight (98) districts, which form two thirds (2/3) of all the districts of Uganda.

Accordingly, the Commission set up a team to handle the verification of
supporters for nomination of candidates for the 2021 Presidential Elections.
As at 22nd October 2020, the following aspirants have submitted their
supporter forms for verification as:

1. Yoweri Kaguta MuseveniNational Resistance Movement
Verified &cleared
2. Bbaale CharlesEcological Party of Uganda (EPU)Under verification
3. Tumukunde Henry
IndependentUnder verification
4. Mwesigye Fred IndependentUnder verification
Mayambala Willy
Independent Under verification
6. Lugudde-Katwe ElizabethIndependentUnder verification
7.Mutono Mbulambago
Independent Under verification
8.Ebetu Simon IndependentUnder verification
9.Mabirizi Joseph IndependentUnder verification
10.Kabuleta Kiiza Joseph IndependentUnder verification
11.Yamureebire Jothan IndependentUnder verification
12.Makmot Moses IndependentUnder verificatio
13.Okoth GeoffreyIndependentUnder verification
14.Kyagulanyi Ssentamu
National Unity Platform (NUP)Under verification
15.Katumba JohnIndependentUnder verification
16.Kalembe Nancy LindaIndependentUnder verification
17.Katushemererwe BrendaIndependentUnder verification
18.Amuriat Oboi PatrickForum for Democratic Change
Under verification
19.Mugisha Muntu GreggAlliance for National
Transformation (ANT)
Under verification

Presidential aspirants who have attained the verified supporters from the
required ninety-eight (98) districts/cities will be issued with a Certificate of
Compliance which they will present to the Returning Officer on nomination

Meanwhile, aspiring candidates have also been advised to book time in advance on any of the gazetted dates, that is, Monday 2nd and Tuesday 3rd November 2020, in order to ensure a smooth nomination exercise.

In accordance with Section 21(1) of the Presidential Elections Act, the
Commission will appoint and gazette campaign period and polling date after the nomination exercise.

The Electoral Commission wishes to extend its appreciation to all political
parties and organisation, and all stakeholders who participated in the
concluded nomination exercises.

The Commission further appeals to all stakeholders in the electoral process to carefully study the guidelines for the campaign period and to conduct
themselves in accordance with the measures issued by the Commission to
safeguard all those participating in the electoral process from the risk of
contracting and spreading the COVID-19 virus.

I thank you,
For God and My Country
Justice Byabakama Mugenyi Simon
Chairperson, Electoral Commission

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