38 former Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) rebels led by Jamil Mukulu have cried out to the International Crimes Division of the High Court over the gross human rights violations arising out of their long stay on remand and inability to access their Lawyers.

Mukulu and 2 other accused persons even shunned todays proceedings conducted via Video Conferencing demanding that they want to be physically produced in Court for the pending trial that has been scheduled to commence on the 25th January, 2021.

However Mukulu wants the trial halted  citing personal human rights violations that were metted on him right from his arrest and extradition from Tanzania to Uganda and while here in detention at police and in prison custody at Luzira.

Mukulu also reveals that there is a threat on his life perpetuated by his custodians at Luzira prison and that all these issues cannot be addressed if he cannot appear in Court and access his Lawyers for full instructions.

However the presiding Court’s Registrar Beatrice Stella Atingu has assured the suspects that they can now have access to their Lawyers through a Court Order that has already been issued and that their other concerns will be tabled before the trial panel of Justices Micheal Elubu, Susan Okalany and Lydia Mugambe come 2021 after the Elections.

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