From the recent stampede Esther and Saleh have caused on Uganda social media, the leaks and clarifications hitting our desk show that the Twitter “Kitone Vendor” Esther actually faked a pregnancy to solicit funds from the ‘whopper welder’ Saleh just buy an iPhone.

The alleged private audio we acquired from the doctor who Esther claims to have confirmed the pregnancy clearly explains how she was in a plot to scum over UXG 8M just to buy an expensive phone.

Since yesterday, the two social media maniacs have been exchanging bitter words, with Saleh confessing how he bonked Esther just in a twinkle of an eye on a kitchen worktop.

Saleh has gone ahead to mention how Esther is one of the 32 girls he has critically bonked from twitter and he is proud of it. We have already acquired a list of the 32 girls and we shall be exhibiting it here soon.

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