One of the considerable things that happen on the night of 31st December around this nation is the extended hours spent by masses in prayer at designated places. A number of these throng gatherings to find out the mind of God concerning the new year.
In some places, however, it is usually the same proclamation passed on year in year out, and when you are a loyal attendee of such meetings, to will attest to the fact that much of the assertion is rather predictable. There will always be talk that never misses the lines of each speech, it’s a part of the brand in all places only for some to go through the year as they had in the previous one, making it either an endless cycle of stagnation or the inception of powerless faith.
You expect that such an incidence should paint a picture to the faithful of these meetings about why despite the heed given, the future remains inauspicious or why minimal progress is made. The joy of each believer is when a sacrifice made in regard to their faith bears a reasonable yield and the same ought to be valid for these hours expended crossing over from one year into another. It is about where these devotees look back at the moment as being more than just the fireworks display of midnight that ushers in the new year and affirm that truly their presence and pursuit of God was worthwhile.
A couple of years ago, in the year 2017, which happens to be not so long, I personally engaged at one of these such nights of crossover. The preacher, a man renown, did well to tell us the significance of the figures that constitute the number 2017, in Hebrew and Greek. To a young excited Christian teen, this sounded so ‘deep’ and thrilling but looking back, the calendar is always changing its figures and they simply were interpreting the same although, in foreign languages yet from a more inclined perspective, there was nothing mysterious.
At another place, an ally shared with me about what was said concerning the same year, 2017. She reported how they had been told that it was the year that the Lord would make them lie down in green pastures. I recall sitting and pondering on this for a while and didn’t seem to make sense of it yet being the good person she was, my crony cared to explain to me what this meant.
Surprisingly, it was within that year that she got engaged and married, secured a well-paying dream job and moved abroad where she presently resides. Lots of other things happened to the people she claimed to attend the fellowship with and to satisfy my unsatisfied inquisition, went ahead to share videos of their documented testimonies. Nothing looked faked from her end but what disturbed me then was how my Greek and Hebrew discourse wasn’t helping.

Coming to the start of 2018, Racheal (not real names) was back and she invited me over to the gathering and based on her experiences of the now past year, I was determined to see a change in my own life. At this meeting that happened at Kyadondo Rugby Grounds with a mammoth gathering of thousands, the declaration was, “Enlarge the tents of thy dwelling” and the main preacher of the night labored to explain in detail what this meant and surely throughout year entire year, I noticed a great change.
The difference between the two places for me was now noticeable. From the latter, it made sense knowing that certainty of direction was given to me about the course to take on through the year and to that end, my expectations were set. It was the kind that hardly leaves you in the blues of figuring out how to go about events in the year, not the dissection by linguistics.
The same was the case for the year 2019 when again, Prophet Elvis Mbonye also declared that “The harvest was truly great”. A series of situations that match the decree occurred throughout its course which is undeniable proof that the word surely works and you can bank on it. At least the media has been awash with the name Prophet Elvis Mbonye so much in the previous year and this time round, for the good things plus a good number of other references.
It’s already 2020 and only days ago, he said about the year before thousands that to them the Spirit of God said, “A great door and effectual had been opened”. He further went on to admonish the congregants to expect much more than last year brought in for them. It’s more than motivational speech if beyond just impacting your feelings, the words give you tangible results of themselves, that’s what I am talking about. Anyone can come forth and assume or even give a declaration about a year, announce a season but the authenticity of who among them is approved of God is when signs, miracles, and wonders pertaining to the declaration are seen and heard.
Many of these signs not only portend such that when it finally comes to pass, but you may also believe he that comes in the name of the Lord and he added, “…and that you may believe in the Lord your God and be established and believe His prophets and prosper,” which happens to be the scripture 2 Chronicles 20:20.
There’s so much that this year holds and he put so much emphasis on how the nation should consider this, giving in real-time countless prophecies of events that would take place and make headlines this year. Life has presented various challenges and we all desire the good life which by far, is common experience within the remnant revolution. The question then left for you to answer is, how serious are you willing to carry this word?