There was drama at Makerere University’s Olympia Hostel yesterday when the askari, a one Mzee, was beaten by a student from Lumumba Hall whom he sought to deny entry into the posh residence.

The student in question is a one Swabrin Ali, who had reportedly gone to the hostel for his routine steamy romps with his unidentified girlfriend on Block B.

Reports coming in from the hostel suggest that Mr Ali had everything that was required of him to access the hostel but the askari still denied him access for reasons known to him.

“I think they have a personal history. The guy (Swabrin) signed in and gave the askari his original identity card but was still denied entry into the hostel. His pleas to be let in fell on deaf ears of the askari.” An onlooker intimated to The Ugandan Wire.

When he saw that he would most likely miss on the meat that was waiting for him on block B, Swabrin unleashed the anger of his horn on the askari. The askari had to beg onlookers to rescue him from the horny fella.

They say a hungry man is an angry man and here at our news desk, we agree with that saying and have nothing useful whatsoever to add. Swabrin’s fellows in Lumumba say he always has those routine bonks with his girlfriend. Sometimes in Lumumba and sometimes at Olympia Hostel.

Yesterday was for Olympia and the askari fell in a trap that wasn’t meant for him. Olympia residents have taken to social media to celebrate the ‘ath’ whooping.

“What happened to the Olympia Hostel askari should be a lesson. No matter who you are, as long as you are a shitty person, best believe your days are numbered and karma is a b^tch!!” Moa Jay on Twitter remarked.
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