The congregation and Church leadership at St. Peter’s Church Ndeeba woke to bewilderment this morning after their place of worship was demolished overnight.

According to initial reports, a group of people that claim to be the rightful owners of the land where the church was built took advantage of curfew and brought the 40 year old structure to the ground completely.
Bishop Wilberforce Kityo Luwalira of Namirembe Diocese has expressed disappointment in the manner that the said “owners” brought down the land.
“The attack on the house of God was done during the lockdown and during curfew time by people with the power of the gun. But I urge you to stay hopeful and trust in God because we will overcome all challenges that come our way.” Bishop Kityo Luwalira said.

He sent a message to the people responsible for the demolition, saying that Christians will not fear any man but God who can kill both the body and the soul and will not have their faith broken by the incident.

Three police officers and 11 other individuals have since been arrested in connection to the incident.